Build user knowledge and apply UX principles to improve user decision-making and data identification to ensure mainframe data compliance.
A separate, unequal interface is not an acceptable accessibility solution. Good design values having one interface accessible to the widest range of users and situations.
尽管可以 将网站设计成既可供残障人士也可供非残障人士使用的版本,但网站通常声明,如果您是残障用户,应使用另一个版本ウェブサイトはしばしば、障害があるユーザには、別個に用意されたサイトを利用するようにと記載している。障害のあるなしにかかわらず同じサイトを利用するようにデザインすることもできるというのに。
There is a comprehensive set of principles and specifications for usability in internet forms called ELMER.
Discussion of the signing of the “Manifesto on Usability and Accessibility for Mexican Government Websites” at the conclusion of the Usability and Accessibility for the Web International Seminar (UA Web 2007).
Difficult-to-use tools create user mistrust, which prevent new technologies from succeeding financially. Needs, habits, and characteristics of users must be considered for a product to be successful.