Designing mobile apps for emerging markets with more than 60 languages and 215 million people requires a balance of designing, technology, user experience, and simplicity.
Looking at the concept of scarcity can lead to new ways of understanding users, designing for their needs, and making the best use of their resources.
Designing for the aging brain or for those with little computer experience requires strictly defining the website functionality, clear workflows, and minimal page distractions.
Recruiting for research projects can be challenging, but going to places where the people are can make it easier to find the right participants.
How a user centered design process makes openFDA accessible for the public, developers, and agencies (globally). Learn how you can improve consumption of large government datasets.
A review of 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization by Vijay Kumar. A guidebook about innovation and design thinking techniques.
Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist.
Designing websites for an Intimate Partner Violence nonprofit organizations comes with many special considerations that need to keep the safety of survivors at the forefront.
If you want your design patterns to be effective, you need a community of designers and researchers to contribute to them.
Despite facing challenges of complexity, size, and limited resources, UX professionals are making great strides and finding more support in the US Federal government.