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Book covers

Underground Diagrams (Book Review)

A review of Underground Maps Unravelled and Vignelli Transit Maps.  An analysis of the design issues that challenge today’s professionals. 关于《地铁地图详解》(Underground Maps Unravelled) 和《维格纳利交通地图》(Vignelli Transit Maps) 的书评。对当今专业人员面临的设计问题的分析。Underground Maps Unravelled 와 Vignelli Transit Maps 에관한서평. Uma resenha dos livros Underground Maps Unravelled e Vignelli Transit Maps. Uma análise dos problemas de design que desafiam os profissionais de…

Graphic Design: Two Views
 (Book Review)

A review of Graphic Design: A New History by Stephen J. Eskilson and Graphic Design Solutions by Robin Landa Two books that make a significant contribution to understanding the history, breadth, and depth of the profession of graphic design.A review of Graphic Design: A New History by Stephen J. Eskilson and Graphic Design Solutions by…
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