Localizing your site for Asia may mean a radically different design, brand-new elements, or country-specific SEO.

Use big data and analytics to enhance traditional static navigation and intelligently anticipate the type of content that your users are trying to reach.
Website designers should carefully consider the six shared elements of SEO and usability prior to making any changes on an existing site, or when developing new websites. 搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 是一种提高网站在搜索引擎结果中排名的技术。对于网站而言,SEO 和可用性对成功至关重要。这是因为 SEO 有助于站点被搜索引擎(以及引擎使用者)轻松找到。找到后,可用性有助于人们在这些站点上完成任务。検索エンジンの最適化(SEO)とは、検索エンジンの結果をもとにウェブサイトのランキングを改善する技術のことである。ウェブサイトにとって、SEOとユーザビリティは成功のために非常に重要な意味を持つ。

This book claims that “findability is going ambient,”- all we know about helping people find information on the Internet will help people find things in their physical environments.

Articles on home computing, TV interfaces, search and working as a development manager. (Full text not available.)