SUS will continue to provide a reliable, valid and quick measure of ease of use and average SUS scores may increase due to UX improvements. John Brooke 于 1986 年开发的系统可用性量表 (SUS) 是一种使用最为广泛的调查问卷,用于度量人们所感知的可用性。该量表包含十条陈述,回答范围从 1(强烈反对)到 5(强烈赞同)不等。システムユーザビリティスケール(System Usability Scale Facts:SUS)はジョン・ブルック(John Brooke)により1986年に開発され、ユーザビリティの受け止められ方について測定するために最も広く利用されている質問票である。
A review of Improving the User Experience Through Practical Data Analytics by Mike Fritz and Paul D. Berger, which offers data analysis lessons in bite-size chunks.
A review of Quantifying the User Experience: Practical Statistics for User Research by Jeff Sauro and Jim Lewis
A convenient reference text for practitioners who need to measure the user experience and need guidance to determine the appropriate way in which to do the measuring. 量化用户体验:用户研究的实用统计学,作者:Jeff Sauro 和 James R. Lewis Quantifying the User Experience:…
Databases, for analysis of client websites can be a method of dealing with the inherent problem of small sample sizes in empirical usability studies.
The quantitative view of data is less informative to user experience than qualitative data.