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The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

Issues, categories, and the home page banner

The idea of an “issue” is also used as an organizing structure in the online edition. It is a collection of articles, usually on a theme, published together. In WordPress:

  • Issue is a custom field, used to organize articles into an issue. It was created as part of the magazine design.
  • Categories are structural and used in managing articles in the navigation. They duplicate the coding by issues, but are useful for managing the list of posts.


The categories are:

  • Issue number/date. This makes it possible to filter the list of posts by an issue.
  • Types of recurring articles: Book Reviews, Cartoons and some older rubrics: What’s News, The View from Here, Editor’s Notes

Home page slider

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format. Note that KO must be in capital letters.

XXXX Issue 15.1 | March 2015 The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Home page slider

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format.

Note that KO must be in capital letters.

XXXX The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Home page slider

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format.

Note that KO must be in capital letters.

XXXX The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Home page slider

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format.

Note that KO must be in capital letters.

XXXX The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Home page slider

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format.

Note that KO must be in capital letters.

XXXX The Issue entry is a category under Posts that creates a group of articles and holds the metadata for the issue.

The issue can be prepared in advance, as it does not appear on the site until enabled.

  • When you set up the definition, also set up the duplicate Category, which is used for convenience in the list of posts.
  • Use Category Reorder to make sure the Issue and Category appear in the right order.

The issue page and the home page are managed separately in WordPress.

  • The checkbox to publish the issue on the Issue entry form controls when it appears on the Past issues page.
  • Check the box to publish the issue when approximately half the articles have been published

Metadata in the Issue entry

  • Issue title
    Displayed on the Past Issues page and on the issue home page
    Format: 2-4 words
  • Issue number and date
    Displayed on the Past Issues page
    Format: “Issue ##.#, Month YYYY”
  • Banner image
    Displayed on the issue home page. The banners are created for each issue. The design should take into account the location of the overlay for the issue title (and date on the home page).
    Format: JPG, size 920 x 310
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Cover image
    Displayed on the past issues page. They were originally a scaled version of the cover, but are not created along with the banner image.
    Format: JPG, size 212 x 273
    The image file must be the exact size
  • Issue intro text
    The issue intro is a short blurb about the issue. It appears on the archive Issue home page, in the right column (or before the articles in a small screen display).
    Format: 50 words

Home page slider

The banner on the magazine home page is created using a Slider. 

  • The content of the slider is copied from the Issue entry
  • There is only 1 slider active at a time. Old sliders are changed to be a draft, so we can save them.

Translation format

The formatting for the fields in the issue definitions includes language tags in the following format.

Note that KO must be in capital letters.


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