A review of The Moderator’s Survival Guide by Donna Tedesco and Fiona Tranquada. Improve your research moderating skills.
Industry leaders focus on the big picture: the end-to-end customer journey or experience. Here’s how to gauge the level of CX development in your organization.
The ability of ants to work together to build colonies, communicate, and even survive floods is an inspiring model of collaboration, with lessons for UX.개미가 군단을 형성하고, 소통하고, 홍수로부터 생존하기 위해 협력하는 능력은 UX를 위한 교훈과 함께 협력의 모델이 되었습니다.巣を作る、コミュニケーションを図る、さらに洪水によるリスクから身を守るためのアリの共同作業は、触発的なコラボレーションのモデルであり、UXの教訓となる。
The 3rd annual UX Awards show off the best of UX. This year’s winners focused on ubiquitous computing with devices that reach into everyday lives. 第三届年度 UX 颁奖大会向我们揭晓了 UX 领域的翘楚。今年的获奖者主要集中在日常生活设备的泛在计算领域。3회를 맞는 연례 UX 어워즈가 최고의 UX를 가려냅니다. 올해의 우승자는 일상생활에까지 손길을 뻗친 기기를 활용한 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅에 초점을 두었습니다.O 3º UX Awards anual mostrou o melhor…
The theme for this issue is Beyond Books. It has a nice balance of research- and design-related topics, ranging from note-taking, making sense of user feedback, and report writing to designing for entertainment and persuasion.O tema desta edição especial da revista de experiência do usuário explora o mundo sempre em transformação e diverso da mobilidade.El…
When designing mobile UIs for use in developing markets and we must adhere to the first rule of user experience design, “Know your users,” 与迄今为止的任何其他技术相比,移动技术的使用更快地扩展到全球。モバイルテクノロジーの利用はこれまでのどのテクノロジーよりも早く世界中に広まっている。