UX designer shares how he changed the mindset of his organization get buy-in for an integrated Agile UX software development process.用户体验杂志邀请 Jeff Gothelf 分享他在敏捷软件开发过程中整合用户体验设计的经验。他通过一系列的案例总结了其中的经验教训,并且解释了他在这一过程中作为一个负责流程的经理和一个团队领导者自身角色的演变。UX가 Jeff Gothelf 씨에게 UX 디자인을 애자일 소프트웨어 개발에 통합하는 데 있어 리더십에 관한 그의 경험을 공유해달라는 부탁을 했을 때, 그는 UX 디자인 기술을 애자일 소프트웨어 사이클에 통합하면서 얻은 정보의 사례사와 그에…
Agile software development is adaptive rather than predictive and people-oriented rather than process-oriented. Several activities at UPA 2009 discussed shared experiences of working in Agile environments.
A workshop at UPA 2009 continued previous discussions on Agile and user-centered design. Workshop participants exchanged best practices, success factors, challenges, and solutions.
If we measure based on product success and not timeline adherence, the garbage in, garbage out rule still compromises our daily professional contribution.
In this issue, we seek to integrate the worlds of UX and software development in order to create better products, services, and user experiences.