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Adapting to Change: UX Research in an Ever-Changing Business Environment

Embracing and adapting to change by evolving research planning, execution, analysis, and reporting to better meet organization needs is essential as a UX researcher.对于一名用户体验研究人员来说,有必要通过不断改进研究的规划、执行、分析和报告工作来更好地满足组织需求,以接受和适应变化。조직의 요구에 보다 잘 부응하도록 리서치 계획과…

Hold the Sprinkles! Design Mapping for Agile UX Design

Agile design teams can often get swept up in a single product feature, iterating that one feature to its most perfect state. 你是否是在敏捷环境中工作的设计师?是否曾经感到自己迷失了大方向,只在细枝末节上纠结?敏捷设计团队经常会因为单个产品功能忙得满头大汗,反复研究将这个功能做到完美。당신은 애자일 환경에서 일하는 디자이너십니까? 세부 사항의 상호…

Building it Right! Bridging the Gap Between UX Designers and Developers

Coordinating teams will help you plan and facilitate better communication between designers and developers to produce the best user experience for your customers.协调团队可帮助您进行规划并促进设计人员与开发人员之间更好地进行交流,从而为您的客户创造出最佳的用户体验。협력적인 팀은 고객을 위한 최고의 사용자 경험을 제작하는…

Agile UX IS Collaboration: Mastering the Method

In Agile, the UX person is part of the team, working towards a common goal. Frequent deliverables and constant feedback are a recipe for amazing collaboration. 在敏捷开发中,从事用户体验工作的人员是团队的一部分,他们围绕共同的目标展开合作。 频繁的交付成果和不间断的反馈是取得出色协作效果的秘诀。애자일 개발 환경에서,…