Game developers gain insights from working on projects that use game evaluation tools supported by artificial intelligence.
With augmented reality, the tech is typically put ahead of the user experience. We need to bring UX more prominently into the AR conversation.
Bruce Sterling talks about Hollywood, aliens, and how interfaces are depicted in sci-fi movies in a conversation about UX and sci-fi.在与Bruce Sterling进行的一场关于用户体验与科幻关系的谈话中,他谈到了他对好莱坞、外星人和人机界面的看法。Bruce Sterling은 사용자 경험과 공상과학에 관한 대화에서 할리우드와 외계인,…
Products based on personalized recommendations can make content more relevant and compelling, as long as they are designed to minimize effort for users and maximize transparency.
Ten practical tips from designing a game to teach a complex biomedical topic. Even more challenging, the audience was non-gamer health professionals. (Full article available in English and Español)从一款讲授复杂生物医学游戏的设计工作中,我们总结出十条实用技巧。更有挑战性的是,受众是不玩游戏的保健专业人士。복잡한 생물의학적…
A study of remote collaboration within Google teams concluded that ubiquitous video conferencing has helped to overcome many challenges facing geographically distributed teams.一项关于 Google 团队内部远程协作的研究得出结论:普遍使用的视频会议有助于克服分布在不同地域的团队面临的诸多难题。Google 팀 내부의 원격 협력 연구…
A look at four persuasive design patterns that persuade and entice people to move from browsing to buying, effortlessly.让我们来看看四种能轻松地劝说和诱导人们从浏览过渡到购买的劝说式设计模式。사람들을 설득하여 탐색 수준에서 쉽게 구매 수준으로 유인하는 설득적 디자인 패턴 4개를…
Science fiction shapes our collective imagination and pushes technology forward. Ultimately, science fiction is a prototyping tool that can impact the science of tomorrow.科幻小说塑造了我们的集体想象力,并推动技术的发展。实际上,科幻小说是影响未来科技的原型工具。공상과학은 우리의 집단적 상상력을 형성하고 과학기술을 진전시킵니다.…
Rudy Rucker talks about user interfaces from voice recognition, hand gestures, eye tracking, to his own invention that is activated by sub-vocal speech and mental commands.Rudy Rucker谈论了用户界面,从语音识别、手势操作、眼动跟踪,到他自己用无声语言和意念命令来激活操作的发明。Rudy Rucker는 음성인식, 손동작…
Dystopian sci-fi can make us more aware of the potential negative consequences of technology that we might not otherwise be able to imagine.反映负面的科幻小说可以帮助我们意识到科技可能具有的那些我们原先未曾料到的负面影响。디스토피아적 공상과학은 과학기술이 가져올 우리가 상상도 못할 부정적…