In Agile, the UX person is part of the team, working towards a common goal. Frequent deliverables and constant feedback are a recipe for amazing collaboration. 在敏捷开发中,从事用户体验工作的人员是团队的一部分,他们围绕共同的目标展开合作。 频繁的交付成果和不间断的反馈是取得出色协作效果的秘诀。애자일 개발 환경에서,…
Collaborations across disciplines often need a knowledge bridge to translate, explain, and inform. Two print/digital publishing projects built bridges and created a new, better, something. 跨学科协作往往需要一个知识的桥梁来支持翻译、解释和报告。两个印刷/数字出版项目可以搭建起桥梁,从而创造出一个更好的新事物。
전문 분야간의 협력을 위해서는…
How can your collaboration benefit from the principles of another disciplined search for truth that’s been running since the 12th century: the court of law? This article positions UX as…
Geographically distributed collaborations are challenging, but increasingly common. The Collaboration Success Wizard aims to improve the chances of having a successful project.不同地域的协作富有挑战性,但越来越普遍。协作成功向导旨在提高项目成功的几率。
지리적으로 분산된 협력 방식은 문제를 가지고 있지만 매우…
When UX teams are global, design managers and team members need to be able to meet the challenges of distributed teams effectively. 如果用户体验团队分布在全球各地,设计经理和团队成员要能够高效应对分散团队所面临的挑战。글로벌한 UX 팀의 경우, 디자인 매니저와 팀원들은 분산된…
UX designer shares how he changed the mindset of his organization get buy-in for an integrated Agile UX software development process.用户体验杂志邀请 Jeff Gothelf 分享他在敏捷软件开发过程中整合用户体验设计的经验。他通过一系列的案例总结了其中的经验教训,并且解释了他在这一过程中作为一个负责流程的经理和一个团队领导者自身角色的演变。UX가 Jeff Gothelf 씨에게 UX 디자인을 애자일…
A developer on a UX team can assume responsibility for software issues and increase the likelihood that usability problems are fixed.通过给您的 UX 团队增加一名开发人员,您可以改善合作条件,一并绕过调度和安排工作先后问题당신의 UX 팀에 개발자를 추가하면 업무 조건을 변화하고,…
When developing products for 90 percent of the world, in order to create acceptable devices, designers need to resolve belief conflicts between themselves and target users. 世界人口的 90%…
UX training should address the cultural and social aspects of communication in order to create communicators who make a positive impact. UX 全在于沟通。UX 专业人员要取得成功就必须擅长沟通。不过,沟通不仅仅意味着出言谨慎。当进行现场研究时,UX 专业人员会掉到很多“沟通陷阱”中 – 某些陷阱不易被察觉,因而更危险。沟通可以成就 UX…
Agile software development is adaptive rather than predictive and people-oriented rather than process-oriented. Several activities at UPA 2009 discussed shared experiences of working in Agile environments.