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A review of
Think Like a UX Researcher: How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy
by David Travis and Philip Hodgson
Book Website
In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shortage of medical equipment. This shortage in combination with the US Emergency Use Authorization, allowing the use of improvised PPE,…
One major impact of COVID-19 has been the rapidly rising number of older adults using the internet to work, shop, engage in social activities, and stay connected to family and…
COVID-19 has resulted in creativity and design tasks moving from in-person communication and collaboration to home offices and dependency upon remote network connections. Common challenges from this shift in work…
Corporations desire to hear their customer complaints…or do they? We take a close look at ways companies use technology to raise the drawbridge on customers. Technology barriers exist for many…
Learn how cognitive interviewing can improve your surveys so you really get the data you need. Surveys are a common method for collecting data from users. To ensure you get…
Build user knowledge and apply UX principles to improve user decision-making and data identification to ensure mainframe data compliance.
In this humorous piece, Cliff Anderson proposes a comparison between Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief and the experiences of observers new to the usability testing process.
When users’ expertise connects with designers’ solution expertise, new products often click. Platforms like LINE and social games like Pokémon Go show the power of connected fan communities for innovation.