Mobile diary studies using chat apps provide an opportunity to gather richer data about users’ interactions. Using avatars to facilitate data collection can be more effective than traditional facilitation methods due to the norms of chat app platforms.
A review of From Tool to Partner: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction by Jonathan Grudin.
A review of Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries: User Research War Stories by Steve Portigal.
An innovative civic data collection tool, Civic View combines video footage and GPS tracking to give citizens a more immediate voice in city government.
Knowing why people act, feel, think, experience, and choose the way they do gives us rich cultural insights to inform design or to build meaningful, empathetic user experiences.了解人们为什么会产生各种行为、感受、想法、体验并选择自己的做法,能够从文化角度为我们带来丰富的洞见,从而能够以此为依据设计或构建有意义和能够引起共鸣的用户体验。왜 사람들이 특정한 방식으로 행동하고, 느끼고, 생각하고, 경험하고, 선택하는가에 관한 이해는 우리에게 풍성한 문화적 통찰력을 선사함으로써, 디자인에 영향을 미치고, 의미 있고 공감할 수 있는 사용자 경험에 기여합니다.Saber porque…
As western culture increasingly values socially minded ventures, user experience professionals can help solve common problems experienced in developing countries. 随着西方文化越来越重视有社会责任感的投资,用户体验专业人员可以帮助解决发展中国家/地区的各种常见问题。
서구 문화가 점차 사회를 염두에 둔 벤처에 가치를 두면서, 사용자 경험 전문가는 개발 도상국이 겪는 일반 문제 해결에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.À medida em que a cultura ocidental valoriza cada vez mais empreendimentos sociais,…
By understanding and communicating the benefits of field studies, you can maximize your ability to undertake such studies and the effectiveness of the deliverables they produce.
Employing a mixed field method that bridges the gap between ethnographic and laboratory approaches may address the need for real world context in product and design usability evaluation. 传统上,对产品开发抱有一种“只要您做出来,便会有人光顾”的态度。可用性经常如法炮制,设计出在实验室测试中工作良好的产品和用户界面。製品開発は従来、「作ったら売れる」という姿勢で行われてきた。ユーザビリティもこれにならい、研究室でテストをしたら大変うまくいった製品やユーザインタフェースを作り出してきた。