The Mayo Clinic app provides step-by-step navigation through its buildings to direct patients to their appointment’s check-in desk. New research and software focus on wayfinding and obtain usage data through eye tracking glasses. Logistical challenges are covered for conducting this type of research using Tobii glasses in a large hospital.
A review of Eye Tracking in User Experience Design by Bergstrom and Schall. Experts discuss how they’ve leveraged eye tracking to improve user experiences in various domains.
Using an emotion chart to capture self-reported emotions can be more cost effective, unbiased, and accurate compared to agile biometric methods.
Eye tracking study results show that images of people grab the attention of users and have substantial impact on their processing and perceptions of webpages.
Illustrations have the potential to aid in understanding complex health information, but using images effectively requires testing to tailor them to the needs of a wide variety of users.
A brave new world of user experience research that includes physiological responses is on its way. Stay tuned as the tools become more economical and practical.
A review of Eye tracking the User Experience – A Practical Guide to Research by Aga Bojko. A must-read book with tips for running eye tracking studies. 对 Aga Bojko 撰写的《眼动跟踪用户体验:研究实用指南》(Eye tracking the User Experience – A Practical Guide to Research) 的书评。 一本必读书,书中讲述了进行眼动跟踪研究的一些技巧。 안구추적 사용자 경험에 대한 후기 – 실용적 연구 안내, Aga Bojko저. 안구추적…
Using eye tracking during usability testing of games decreases potentially false assumptions, and helps developers better understand player behavior by offering qualitative insights.眼动跟踪在游戏的用户测试中会很有用아이 트래킹은 사용자 평가 게임을 위한 유용한 도구입니다.O uso de eye-tracking durante o teste de usabilidade de jogos diminui as potenciais suposições falsas e ajuda os desenvolvedores a entenderem melhor o comportamento…
Biometric sensors, particularly EMG and EEG, help user researchers in understanding digital experiences, gaining insight into how users experience websites.
This article describes common misconceptions about eye tracking in the UX field and attempts to clarify its proper application.
眼动跟踪不再是用户体验研究工具箱中仅由少数几个专家使用的新奇之物。随着越来越多用户体验 (UX) 专业人员在研究中采用眼动跟踪方法,由此便产生并延续了许多误解。アイトラッキングはもはや、ユーザエクスペリエンス研究のツールとして一握りの専門家が使用するような新奇なものではなくなった。