As the IoT world continues to expand, researchers need to understand what to take into account when evaluating and improving the design of smart speakers.

Usage data that is collected and analyzed from smart medical devices has the potential to change how these devices are designed, resulting in safer and more effective devices.

A review of The Man Who Designed the Future: Norman Bel Geddes and the Invention of the Twentieth-Century America by B. Alexandra Szerlip

A review of The Glass Cage by Nicholas Carr. An examination of the implications of automation for society and our work as designers.

UX professionals must consider basic human experiences beyond just high-tech gadgets. Trash disposal, department store dressing rooms, and public restrooms pose meaningful usability challenges.作为 UX 专业人员,我们不论何时何地都会关注可用性问题。Jesse James Garrett 断定“用户体验心态是后天习得且无法改变。UX 전문가인 우리는 모든 곳에서 사용성 문제를 느끼게 됩니다.Na qualidade de profissionais de experiência do usuário, percebemos problemas de usabilidade em todos os lugares em que vamos.我々はUX専門家であるために、どこに行ってもユーザビリティの問題が目についてしまう。ジェシー・ジェイムス・Como…
The Arthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use Commendation program seeks to identify products that are easy to use by people with arthritis.