Designing future-friendly content upfront provides a solid foundation for useful content on all devices, publishing platforms, and content outlets yet to come.
Use big data and analytics to enhance traditional static navigation and intelligently anticipate the type of content that your users are trying to reach.
A well planned content strategy serves as both a guide for content development and delivery and as a device to hold organizations accountable to broader goals.
During time of disaster like bombings and hurricanes, everyday people heavily use social media systems to connect with each other and establish a network. Is social media ready for that kind of use?在面临爆炸和飓风等灾难期间,人们每天都会使用社交媒体系统相互联系和建立网络。社交媒体适应这种用途吗?폭발과 허리케인 등의 재난 발생 시에도, 사람들은 서로 연결하여 네트워크를 형성하는 소셜 미디어를 매일 사용합니다. 소셜 미디어가 그런 경우에도 사용되도록 준비가 되어 있을까요?Durante…
Designing an effective Arabic user experience by understanding how cultural and linguistic issues are tightly woven together. UX designers became “cultural translators.”
The Internet enables patients to collaborate with medical professionals to meet healthcare needs – but only when healthcare websites provide credible and usable navigation and organization.互联网使患者可与专业医务人员协作以满足健康保健需求,但前提是健康保健网站提供可信而可用的导航与内容组织。인터넷을 통해 환자들은 의료 요구를 충족하기 위해 의료전문가와 협력할 수 있지만, 단 의료 웹사이트가 신뢰할 수 있고 사용 가능한 내비게이션과 체계를 갖추고 있어야만 가능합니다. A Internet permite que os pacientes…
To reduce problems of navigational disorientation, incorporate different sets of orientation factors and accommodate the needs and abilities of all users.
The Semantic Web aligns well with the range of new web techniques that seek to transform our online experience through an understanding of usability and design.
The UK’s requirement of local councils to “carry out 100 percent of council services electronically by the end of 2005” lead to updates to the first Salisbury District Council website.
This book claims that “findability is going ambient,”- all we know about helping people find information on the Internet will help people find things in their physical environments.