UX is inherently threatening to some people in an organization and therefore is subject to all the challenges of change management.
Using tweets to understand what a geographical neighborhood is like shows both the promise and some of the limitations of big data analysis.
An innovative civic data collection tool, Civic View combines video footage and GPS tracking to give citizens a more immediate voice in city government.
A review of “The User’s Journey: Storymapping Products that People Love” by Donna Lichaw, which provides an accessible framework to help designers create engaging experiences.
Designing websites for an Intimate Partner Violence nonprofit organizations comes with many special considerations that need to keep the safety of survivors at the forefront.
A review of Storytelling for User Experience
by Whitney Quesenbery & Kevin Brooks and UX Storytellers: Connecting the Dots
Edited by Jan Jursa, Stephen Köver, & Jutta Grünewald. A
Constructing stories is designing a complex, multi-dimensional communication. Stories allow us to share the union of our experiences, not just the intersection.