Learning how cognitive and physical traits of children affect their interaction with touchscreens helps designers create delightful experiences for all audiences, regardless of age and literacy
How quantitative research, field testing, and lab usability studies helped this project efficiently move people, calm traffic, and ease urban congestion.
How do you take a physical keyboard/mouse-based business application and design it specifically for touch interaction? 您如何将基于物理键盘/鼠标的商业应用改而设计成基于触摸交互功能?移动设备、自助服务设备和餐馆应用都是触摸屏领域的明星キーボードやマウス操作を使った業務用アプリケーションはどのようにしてタッチ操作用にデザインし直せばよいのだろうか。