Yves Béhar is the designer behind the One Laptop per Child Personal Computer (OLPC). He is interviewed by User Experience guest editor Cynthia Kamishlian.
Expert designers sensitive to established usability guidelines should be capable of designing software that is suitable for both ADHD and non-ADHD children.
Research with adolescent World of Warcraft players indicated design strategies that will help make Massive Multiplayer Online Game more accessible for individuals of all ages.
Information and communication technologies provide great opportunities and challenges for marginalized children both in developed and developing regions.
The increasing use of handheld devices with cameras, GPS, wireless Internet, and relatively large digital viewing screens has made Augmented Reality technology available to the general public en masse.
A review of Storytelling for User Experience
by Whitney Quesenbery & Kevin Brooks and UX Storytellers: Connecting the Dots
Edited by Jan Jursa, Stephen Köver, & Jutta Grünewald. A
This issue addresses our understanding and insights into how children interact with technology and how usability professionals can include children in the design process.
UX training should address the cultural and social aspects of communication in order to create communicators who make a positive impact. UX 全在于沟通。UX 专业人员要取得成功就必须擅长沟通。不过,沟通不仅仅意味着出言谨慎。当进行现场研究时,UX 专业人员会掉到很多“沟通陷阱”中 – 某些陷阱不易被察觉,因而更危险。沟通可以成就 UX 设计项目,也可以损害 UX 设计项目,并会对职业发展产生很大影响。因此,UX 专业人员意识到潜在的沟通陷阱并成功避免这些陷阱是非常重要的。UXではコミュニケーションが命だ。この分野で優れた成果を収めるためには、UXのプロはコミュニケーションに長けていなければならない。しかし、言葉を正しく並べるだけではコミュニケーションとは言えない。
Website designers should carefully consider the six shared elements of SEO and usability prior to making any changes on an existing site, or when developing new websites. 搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 是一种提高网站在搜索引擎结果中排名的技术。对于网站而言,SEO 和可用性对成功至关重要。这是因为 SEO 有助于站点被搜索引擎(以及引擎使用者)轻松找到。找到后,可用性有助于人们在这些站点上完成任务。検索エンジンの最適化(SEO)とは、検索エンジンの結果をもとにウェブサイトのランキングを改善する技術のことである。ウェブサイトにとって、SEOとユーザビリティは成功のために非常に重要な意味を持つ。