A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide by Cyd Harrel shows what it’s like to work in the field of civic technology by offering a roadmap for how to get started working in the field, a glimpse into the day-to-day work, and the big challenges faced within this field.
An innovative civic data collection tool, Civic View combines video footage and GPS tracking to give citizens a more immediate voice in city government.
An evaluation of eight civic engagement platforms that are attempting to use technology to increase civic engagement with local governments.
A case study from Code for America shows how user-centered design can be used to reduce barriers to accessing social services online and offline.
How a user centered design process makes openFDA accessible for the public, developers, and agencies (globally). Learn how you can improve consumption of large government datasets.
Designing websites for an Intimate Partner Violence nonprofit organizations comes with many special considerations that need to keep the safety of survivors at the forefront.
Nonprofit UX differs from for-profit design, but the two worlds can benefit from a mutual exchange of techniques. A glimpse at what the “other side” is doing can provide new tricks for our toolkit. 非营利性用户体验不同于营利性设计,但这两个领域可通过互相交流方法而受益。简单了解一下“对方”在做什么可以为我们的工具包提供新花样。 비영리 UX는 영리 목적의 설계와는 다르지만, 두 세계는 상호 기술 교환을 통해 이득을 얻을 수 있습니다. “상대편”이 무엇을 하고…
Take a love for helping others. Mix in a passion for UX. The result can change your career, and make a difference in the nonprofit community. 培养乐于助人的性格,点燃您对 UX 的激情,最终能改变您的职业生涯,并在非营利社区产生一定影响。타인을 돕기 위해서는 사랑이 필요합니다. UX에 열정을 더하세요. 그 결과는 여러분의 경력을 바꿀 수 있고, 비영리 공동체에 차이를 만들어낼 수 있습니다.Pegue o amor em ajudar os outros.…
The world is heavily reliant on services. User experience and design professionals are primed to apply a service perspective for making these experiences effective.
服务设计 是一个新兴领域,用户体验专业人员和企业思想领导者可以借助它增强其工作的影响力。2009 年,MISI 公司参加了一个国际设计竞赛,目标是重新振兴长期被忽视但曾经一度非常美丽的布朗克斯大广场。サービスデザインはユーザエクスペリエンスの専門家や業界が、リーダー達がその仕事のインパクトを高めるために活用できると考えた新しい分野だ。
Public service campaigns, like KnowHow2GO.org, intended for college bound students, must understand how best to present necessary information in order to serve large, diverse audiences.
KnowHow2GO 活动在 2007 年启动,目的旨在增加获得大学学位的人数。2007年に創設されたKnowHow2GOキャンペーンの目標は大学を卒業する人の数を増やすことだ