Ten practical tips from designing a game to teach a complex biomedical topic. Even more challenging, the audience was non-gamer health professionals. (Full article available in English and Español)从一款讲授复杂生物医学游戏的设计工作中,我们总结出十条实用技巧。更有挑战性的是,受众是不玩游戏的保健专业人士。복잡한 생물의학적 주제 교육을 위한 게임 디자인의 10가지의 실전 요령. 더 어려운 일은 독자가 게임을 하지 않는 의료 전문가라는 것이었습니다.Dez dicas práticas para o projeto de um…
Using eye tracking during usability testing of games decreases potentially false assumptions, and helps developers better understand player behavior by offering qualitative insights.眼动跟踪在游戏的用户测试中会很有用아이 트래킹은 사용자 평가 게임을 위한 유용한 도구입니다.O uso de eye-tracking durante o teste de usabilidade de jogos diminui as potenciais suposições falsas e ajuda os desenvolvedores a entenderem melhor o comportamento…
The Email Game, a productivity game inspired by the linearity of in-game tasks, structures your workday into unit-based sessions, breaking work into manageable units.
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a platform is critical to getting the most out of user interface designs for it. 由于游戏产业已经成熟,所以能够提供用户所期望的用户界面和用户体验ゲーム業界が成熟するにつれ、利用者の期待するユーザインタフェースやユーザエクスペリエンスもともに成長している。
In designing games for non-gamers, provide more clarity in the tutorial and game mechanics and do not to rely on players’ prior digital media expertise. 视频游戏能够让用户深入体会所设计的体验,并允许用户以其他媒介不可能实现的方式与虚拟世界进行交互。ビデオゲームは、デザインされた体験へとユーザを魅了し、他の媒体では不可能なバーチャルな世界とのインタラクションを可能にする。
User experiences, and thus games, evolve with continued interaction with and between screens everywhere. 在 2011 年夏天举办的 E3 会议上,任天堂 宣布推出 Wii U,此游戏向公众展示了相当新的多屏幕游戏用户体验。2011年の夏、E3(エレクトロニック エンターテイメント エキスポ)コンファレンスで、任天堂がWii Uを発表し、マルチモニターのゲームにおける比較的新しいユーザエクスペリエンスを一般大衆に紹介した。
Correctly amplifying the microscopic motions of thumbs on a game controller to avoid over-whelming first time players may be achieved through context sensitivity.
Biometric sensors, particularly EMG and EEG, help user researchers in understanding digital experiences, gaining insight into how users experience websites.
Students of Game Player Experience understand the value of user research first hand by learning good game user experience principles and seeing those principles implemented.
南加利福尼亚大学 (University of Southern California) 是最早设立正式科系,为视频游戏行业培养人才的学校之一,该系自设立以来,已成为美国此类专业的首要提供者之一。University of Southern California(USC:南カリフォルニア大学)はビデオゲーム業界へ進む人材を育てる学部を早期に公式に設置した大学のひとつで、そのプログラムは米国でトップクラスと定評がある。
User experience designers capitalize on the gameful attributes of everyday activities, influencing human behavior to promote new kinds of interactions, creating change in the real world. 要创建具备正面社会影响的游戏,我们需要克服的第一道障碍是我们的文化偏见,即认为游戏是无聊的活动。这篇文章提出一种对游戏的不同看法,并通过几个关键特征对其进行广泛定义意義あるソーシャルインパクトを与えることのできるゲームを制作する際に、まず乗り越えなければならない最初の障壁は、ゲームは不真面目な活動だという我々の文化的な偏見だ。