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Translations are managed by a team that includes: the translation managers, teams of volunteer members who check each language, and a commercial service, LanguageWorks.

We run one translation event per issue, and can add any extra words into the mix…but we pay by the word!  Terminology glossary. The translation managers and team have a glossary of terms to keep UX language consistent.

Two parts of the article post are translated: the abstract (in the article content) and the extract. We are working towards translating the complete user interface, and providing

Article titles

The translated article titles go in the fields provided in the interface.

Article content abstracts

These are the longer (75-word) abstracts. Each language is entered in the appropriate tab of the main content editor, followed by a sentence that informs the reader that the rest of the article is only in English, linked to the English version of the article.

  • English: This article is only available in English
  • Portuguese: O artigo completo está disponível somente em inglês.
  • Spanish: La versión completa de este artículo está sólo disponible en inglés
  • Japanese: 原文は英語だけになります
  • Chinese: 文章全文为英文版
  • Korean: 전체 기사는 영어로만 제공됩니다.

See Book Reviews and Rubes for how translations of these articles are handled.

Article extracts

The 25 word extract is entered by clicking on the appropriate flag in the extract field.

  • If there is no short version use the first sentence of the abstract.
  • To keep the English version from appearing if the extract is blank, put a non-breaking space ( ) in the field.

If the article has a full translation, add these words to the end of the English extract:

  • For Spanish: (Full article available in English and Español)

Formatting in Widgets

The interface widgets are rarely changed, but when they do, they use the following format for the translation strings.



The interface widgets are rarely changed, but when they do, they use the following format for the translation strings.


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