Social media has the potential for generating positive behavior change by influencing us to adjust our behavior to align with that of our peers. 您的手机劝您多做运动,或者您的 Facebook 提醒您减少家庭能耗,这可能并非天马行空的构想。使用している携帯電話が健康のために運動量を増やすよう説得したり、Facebookのアカウントが家庭で節電をするように合図したりするというアイデアは、口で言うほどそうおかしななことでもないだろう。
Everyday mobile phone use in Accra, Ghana, has some unique challenges, but it is similar to mobile phone use in other parts of the world.
除了谈论农产品价格和孕产妇保健信息之外,在撒哈拉以南国家加纳,手机日常用户还常谈论到沙尘、拥有多个 SIM 卡以及音乐和视频共享。農産物価格や母体の健康に関する情報を除けば、サハラ以南の国ガーナにおける日々の携帯電話の利用は、ほこり、マルチSIMカードの所有、そして音楽やビデオの共有がその特徴的なものである。
When developing products for 90 percent of the world, in order to create acceptable devices, designers need to resolve belief conflicts between themselves and target users. 世界人口的 90% 属于被称为金字塔底部 (BOP) 的社会经济阶层。在针对 BOP 用户设计时,我们使用了 Takeo Saijo 的结构构成主义理论。世界人口の90%は、ピラミッドの底(Bottom of the Pyramid:BOP)と呼ばれる所得階層に属している。我々は、西條剛央の 構造構成主義の理論を使って、BOPユーザのためのデザインを行った。
This issue’s theme of “Designing for Social Change” focuses on the challenge of UX design for constructive social change.
Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist.
Designing with children adds a new dimension to user experience design and usability testing. Our understanding in how children can best contribute is still developing.
Positive Technological Development aims to assist children in bettering their world through improving their technological literacy.
When conducting testing with children, full disclosure and reasonable procedures are your best defense against potential legal complications.
Children are not the most effective Web users and more research is needed to explore children’s mental models related to Internet use.
Research on the effects of children’s long-term computer use is extremely limited; there remain key research questions that need to be answered.