The Kano model enables representation of customer satisfaction with product features. In this article, two enterprise designers share an Excel and a Tableau template that can be used in usability or survey research.
Usage data that is collected and analyzed from smart medical devices has the potential to change how these devices are designed, resulting in safer and more effective devices.
A review of Contextual Inquiry for Medical Device Design by Mary Beth Privitera. Learn best practices and techniques for applying contextual inquiry to medical device design.
Doctors, administrators, and IT staff in a hospital often have different views of technology. User experience professionals need to be aware of these differences when designing medical systems.
Novel spatial layout and multi-step animation help medical staff compare two lists of medications and rapidly select the drugs for a reconciled list, reducing errors.
Illustrations have the potential to aid in understanding complex health information, but using images effectively requires testing to tailor them to the needs of a wide variety of users.
Don’t set medical practitioners up for failure. Thoughtful design can prevent errors that cause injuries or death.在风险,是开发安全医疗设备的重要出发点。再次,以风险级别对任务进行排序是大有必要的,可确保设备设计不会引发高风险“使用错误”。지난 5년 동안, 미국 식품의약국(FDA)은 사용하기 어렵다는 이유로 50개 이상의 의료기기를 회수하였습니다.Não crie armadilhas para que os médicos falhem. O design inteligente pode prevenir erros que causam lesões ou óbito.過去5年にわたり、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は50以上の医療機器について、使用に適さないという理由からリコールを行ってきた。No predisponga a los médicos a un error. Un diseño…
Designing specifically for people with disabilities can lead to electronic personal health records that are not only accessible, but innovative, useful, and beneficial for everyone.专用于残障人士的设计,可能会使得个人电子健康档案不仅是可访问的,而且兼具创新性和实用性,对每个人都有益。특별히 장애인을 위한 설계는 접근 가능할 뿐만 아니라 혁신적이고 유용하며 누구에게나 도움이 되는 전자 개인의료기록으로 이어질 수 있습니다. Os projetos criados especificamente para pessoas que sofrem de deficiências podem resultar em…
Want to fix the web portals for a major government initiative? Usability testing with health consumers helped improve CoveredCA, a portal in California.想要修复一个主要政府项目的门户网站。通过对健康消费者进行可用性测试,帮助改善了加州的一个门户网站 CoveredCA。주요한 정부 계획을 위한 웹 포털을 마련하고자 합니다. 의료 소비자를 대상으로 한 사용성 검사는 캘리포니아주의 포털인 CoveredCA를 개선하는 데 도움이 되었습니다.Deseja consertar portais web para uma importante iniciativa do governo. Testes…