Concerns about negative social consequences can be a barrier to online participation. UX designers have the opportunity and responsibility to design for overcoming this.

Build user knowledge and apply UX principles to improve user decision-making and data identification to ensure mainframe data compliance.

Ethical issues, surprisingly caused by benevolent intent, are often left unnoticed in UX design. Conscious awareness is the primary step in tackling these pressing issues.

A compilation and categorization of the different ethical issues within UX design

Anonymity can affect the quality of user research. To ensure anonymity, UX professionals must set expectations around privacy and follow best practices about revealing personal information that might identify research participants.

Challenges in creating an online service experience at Philips Home Monitoring for senior users included privacy, user experience, legacy system constraints, and communication.在针对老年用户的飞利浦家庭监控项目中,为了营造在线服务体验,需要面临各种挑战,包括隐私、用户体验、旧系统局限和交流。고령 사용자를 위한 필립스 홈 모니터링(Philips Home Monitoring)에서 온라인 서비스 경험 창출의 어려움에는 프라이버시, 사용자 경험, 기존 시스템의 제약 및 의사소통의 문제가 있었습니다.Os desafios durante a criação de uma experiência de serviços on-line…

Two responses to The Circle by David Eggers. Lessons on privacy, information, and technology 针对 David Eggers 的“The Circle”《圆》一书的两种回应。对隐私、信息和技术的一些反思。David Eggers의 The Circle에 대한 두 가지 반응. 사생활, 정보 그리고 기술에 대한 교훈 Duas reações ao The Circle (O Círculo), de David Eggers. Lições sobre privacidade, informações e tecnologia David Eggers著『The Circle』(サークル)への2つの意見。プライバシー、情報、テクノロジーに関するレッスンが書かれている。Dos respuestas a…

A good user experience for trust and privacy decisions depends on making it SECRET: scoped, equitable, contextual, responsible, emotional and timely. Chris 一步一步向读者展现了他在 XP Service Pack 2中开展设计测试迭代的经验,XP Service Pack 2 是微软可信计算计划 (Trustworthy Computing Initiative) 的一个核心元素。Chris는 마이크로소프트의 “신뢰받는 컴퓨팅 이니셔티브”개발의 핵심 요소였던XP 서비스팩 2에서 디자인과 테스트를 반복한 자신의 경험을 독자들에게 설명한다.Uma boa experiência do usuário para…
As governments increasingly move to online channels, they must do so without compromising the privacy of citizens.