Social media has the potential for generating positive behavior change by influencing us to adjust our behavior to align with that of our peers. 您的手机劝您多做运动,或者您的 Facebook 提醒您减少家庭能耗,这可能并非天马行空的构想。使用している携帯電話が健康のために運動量を増やすよう説得したり、Facebookのアカウントが家庭で節電をするように合図したりするというアイデアは、口で言うほどそうおかしななことでもないだろう。
Designing for social change does not mean using design to change society. It means design that takes into account the fact that it will change society.
Positive Technological Development aims to assist children in bettering their world through improving their technological literacy.
Indian women in IT make use of social networks in a manner similar to their counterparts elsewhere, however with some differences.
The age of information is shifting to an age of interaction. To best take advantage of this, learn and observe your users first before collaboration. 在社交网络中,用户体验是通过点点滴滴、微博和网页上传形成的。通过收听和调到正确的频道,我们可以获取来自 Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter 等的片段,然后建立一个充满活力的动人拼贴来描绘我们用户的看法。ソーシャルウェブサイトでは、つぶやきや投稿などでユーザエクスペリエンスが少しずつ形作られている。適切なチャンネルに注目することで、 Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitterなどから得られる断片的な情報を拾い取り、ユーザの視点を捉えた活気あふれる生きた情報のコラージュ を組み立てることができる。
Designing social networking systems which meet the needs of current seniors will enable them to use these systems to improve their quality of life.
To enable a rapidly aging population with the connected social experiences that younger Web users experience, find balance between replacing and augmenting offline activity.
Revolution Health explored how one could leverage the dynamic world of social networking in providing targeted support toward better health goals.