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Editor’s Note: UX and Science Fiction

The multi-polar, multi-cultural, multi-platform, multi-context world of science fiction can help user experience researchers and designers explore scenarios, technology platforms, and cultural/social contexts.科幻世界具有的多极、多元文化、多平台、多层背景特点,可以帮助用户体验研究人员和设计师探索各种场景、技术平台和文化/社会背景。다극성, 다문화, 다중 플랫폼, 다중 상황의 공상과학 세계는 UX 연구가들과 디자이너들이 시나리오와 기술 플랫폼과 문화/사회적 상황을 탐구하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. O mundo multipolar, multicultural, multiplataforma, multicontexto da ficção científica pode ajudar…

On the Edge: Beyond UX in Western Science Fiction

Asian sci-fi is inspired by classic Western novels as well as native literary traditions. Chinese, Indian, and Japanese approaches reveal creations based on different cultures.亚洲科幻作品受经典西方小说启发,同时其灵感也来自于本土文学传统。中国、印度和日本的创作手法揭示了基于不同文化的创造力。아시아의 SF는 토속적 문학 전통뿐만 아니라 전형적인 서양소설에서도 영감을 받았습니다. 중국, 인도, 일본식 접근은 서로 다른 문화를 바탕으로 한 창작물을 보여줍니다.A ficção científica asiática é inspirada pelos clássicos romances de faroeste…
Closeup of space toys from the book cover

Two Museums of Future UX Design (Book Review)

A review of Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy by Frank M. Robinson, Robert Weinberg and Randy Broecker and Future Toys: Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns by Antoni Emchowicz and Paul Nunnelely两本书的书评: 《想象的艺术 ——20世纪的科学幻想、恐怖和幻想》作者:Frank M.Robinson,Frank Robinson、Robert Weinberg 和 Randy Broecker 2002年由收藏家出版社出版 《未来玩具 ——机器人、宇航员、宇宙飞船、激光枪》 作者:Antoni Emchowicz 和 Paul Nunnelely 1999年由新卡文迪什书刊出版社出版Uma análise…
Book Cover

Letting Go of the Words (Book Review)

A review of Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2nd edition) by Janice (Ginny) Redish. In this seminal book, Ms. Redish brings together Content Management, clear writing, and usability testing, with helpful examples, case studies, and stories.A review of Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2nd edition)…

Rubes Cartoon: The Pantheon

Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist.来自联合漫画专栏作者Leigh Rubin的奇思妙想的卡通。신디케이트 만화가, Leigh Rubin의 야생의 뒤틀린 세상 만평. Cartoons do mundo selvagem e tortuoso de Leigh Rubin, cartunista sindicalizado.風刺漫画家リー・ルビン(Leigh Rubin)のワイルドでひねくれた世界から生まれたコミックCaricaturas del mundo salvaje y retorcido de Leigh Rubin, dibujante independiente.
People at a networking table

Care About Your UX Career? Network Now!

Networking with other UX professionals is critical to furthering your UX career. Social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are as important as in-person networking.与其他用户体验和非用户体验专业人员建立人际关系是拓展您用户体验职业生涯的关键。다른 UX 및 비 UX 전문가들과의 네트워킹이 UX 커리어를 더욱 발전시켜 나가는 데 필수적입니다. Criar sua rede de contatos com outros profissionais de experiência do usuário ou de outras áreas é…

Global Design Teams: Managing Distributed Teams Effectively

When UX teams are global, design managers and team members need to be able to meet the challenges of distributed teams effectively. 如果用户体验团队分布在全球各地,设计经理和团队成员要能够高效应对分散团队所面临的挑战。글로벌한 UX 팀의 경우, 디자인 매니저와 팀원들은 분산된 팀들의 문제도전사항을 효과적으로 충족시킬 수 있어야 합니다.Quando as equipes de usabilidade são globais, os gerentes de design e membros da equipe precisam ser capazes de…
Sign for observers to stay quiet with cartoon face

Engaging Study Observers: An Overlooked Step in User Research

Observer participation is an important piece in conducting usability. A little work up front can help engage observers more effectively.观察员参与是进行可用性研究的重要一环。提前做一点准备工作有助于您更有效地帮助观察员履行职责。관찰자 참여는 사용성 평가의 중요한 부분입니다. 미리 작업을 좀 해두면 관찰자들을이 더욱 효과적으로 참여하는 참여시키는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.A participação dos observadores é uma parte importante da realização de estudos de usabilidade. Um pouco de…
Book cover

UX Professionals + Stakeholders (Book Review)

A review of It’s OUR Research by Tomer Sharon. In this compendium of experts’ advice, you’ll find useful nuggets that haven’t been recorded anywhere else. 这是我们的研究,作者:Tomer Sharon이것이 우리의 연구다 – Tomer SharonÉ nossa pesquisa por Tomer SharonIt’s Our Research – Tomer Sharon著It’s Our Research (Es Nuestra Investigación) de Tomer Sharon
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