Max Diff surveys answer design questions and drive strategic direction. The collaborative approach invites team members to feel ownership over the results.
Business origami is a participatory design method for creating a map of the ecosystem surrounding a product, design, or other solution.
Recruiting for research projects can be challenging, but going to places where the people are can make it easier to find the right participants.
As a user research tool, mapping out the a journey helps the researchers and UX team develop a shared understanding of the story.
Exploring interactive, mobile products needs realistic interaction. Faking features and connectivity can help make wearables seem real enough to test early concepts.
Traditional web analytics can be difficult to translate into decisions. Visualizing analytics data provides insights into users’ behavior and removes opinions from the design process.
Diary research is an art and a science that can add depth to your research and meat to your insights, often at minimal extra cost.
A brave new world of user experience research that includes physiological responses is on its way. Stay tuned as the tools become more economical and practical.
Therapists and user experience researchers both aim to diagnose and treat problems. User experience researchers may benefit from applying evidence-based, solution-focused strategies used by psychotherapists.
Learn step-by-step how you can conduct, interpret, and present the results of remote, unmoderated card sorts, using only free software.