Collaboration between human-computer interaction (HCI) and mental health professionals can play a valuable role in future research on mental health technologies.
A review of Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale Online User Experience Studies by Bill Albert, Tom Tullis, Donna Tedesco.
This book is well-structured for practitioners of remote usability testing.
This article describes common misconceptions about eye tracking in the UX field and attempts to clarify its proper application.
眼动跟踪不再是用户体验研究工具箱中仅由少数几个专家使用的新奇之物。随着越来越多用户体验 (UX) 专业人员在研究中采用眼动跟踪方法,由此便产生并延续了许多误解。アイトラッキングはもはや、ユーザエクスペリエンス研究のツールとして一握りの専門家が使用するような新奇なものではなくなった。
Provide form instructions on a separate web page and place a “Help” link at the beginning to help users who prefer or require “up front” instructions to complete the form.
Although not useful in all circumstances, unmoderated remote tests can compensate for a lack of direct observation and interaction.
Remote user testing is primarily employed when speed, convenience, or international testing is called for. However, there are practical qualitative benefits to using remote methodologies, as well.
Unmoderated tests provide more data, but don’t automatically provide insight. Strong pattern recognition and hypothesis development skills are necessary for interpretation.
Client companies are coming to appreciate the importance of quantifying a website’s usability and user experience and the role usability plays in a website’s success.
Observations from U.S. elections and automotive interfaces. (Some articles available in PDF format.)