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Practical Guidance at Every Level (Book Review)

A review of Usability Testing Essentials: Ready, Set . . .Test! by Carol M. Barnum Practical guidance for UX professionals at every experience level. From equipment, lab vs. field testing, remote testing; testing protocols, analyzing results, and reporting the findings.A review of Usability Testing Essentials: Ready, Set . . .Test! by Carol M. Barnum Practical…
Two children at a computer

Testing by Teaching: Peer Tutoring, a Usability Evaluation Method for Children

Peer Tutoring helps engage and encourage children during usability testing. The social context makes the test more natural, resulting in richer findings.同伴辅导是 LEGO 集团已经在进行儿童可用性测试中成功使用的方法。在同伴辅导中,一名儿童充当辅导员,用自己的语言向其朋友介绍一款数字产品。또래 교사(Peer Tutoring)는 어린이와 함께 사용성 평가를 할 때 LEGO 그룹이 성공적으로 사용한 방법입니다. 또래 교사 방법을 통해 한 아이가 선생님 역할을 하며 그 아이 고유의 단어로 디지털 제품을 친구에게 설명합니다.A tutoria…
Analytics graph

Making the Case: Rounding Out Usability Testing with Web Analytics

Using qualitative data, you can plan usability tests and analyze test results by reviewing where users currently go on your site.网页分析数据是一个有助于可用性测试设计和测试结果分析的定量数据源。웹 분석은 사용성 평가를 계획하고 평가 결과를 분석할 수 있도록 돕는 정량적 데이터 소스입니다. 계획 중, 사이트에서 현재 사용자들이 방문하는 페이지뷰 데이터를 검토함으로써 업무에 우선순위를 정할 수 있습니다.El uso de datos cualitativos permite planificar tests…
Book cover

Making Everything Fit (Book Review)

A review of Responsive Web Design by Ethan MarcotteMaking a case and practical instruction for creating a design that scales based on platform.In his new book “Responsive Web Design,” Ethan Marcotte makes a case and offers practical instruction for creating a design that scales based on platform.In his new book “Responsive Web Design,” Ethan Marcotte…
A digital slate with hands using it

The Fate of a Digital Slate

A low-cost tablet prototype for assisting in the tracking of child malnutrition in rural India encountered socio-technical challenges beyond usability in field test.我们以印度中部农村地区的 10 名低收入、低文化水平的卫生工作人员为样本,对该系统进行了最初的培训和评估。在此过程中,该系统看起来似乎大获成功리고 디지털 정보 기록을 위한 더 오래된 종이 기반 시스템으로부터 상당히 매끄러운 전환을 허락하는 인터랙티브 터치 스크린을 사용합니다.Um protótipo de tablet de baixo custo para auxiliar no monitoramento da desnutrição infantil…

Follow the Flow: Using Mind-Mapping to Capture User Feedback

Mind-mapping can provide a visual representation of user feedback during usability testing. It can be a valuable tool for capturing non-linear data flow. 如果使用传统的线性笔记方法,在可用性研究过程中捕获参与者反馈可能会有些困难。전통적인 직선적 노트 필기 기술을 이용하여 사용성 연구 동안 참가자의 피드백을 얻는 것은 성가신 일일 수도 있습니다.O mapa mental pode fornecer uma representação visual do feedback do usuário durante o teste de…
Eyetracking on mobile screen

Better Games: Insights from Eye Tracking

Using eye tracking during usability testing of games decreases potentially false assumptions, and helps developers better understand player behavior by offering qualitative insights.眼动跟踪在游戏的用户测试中会很有用아이 트래킹은 사용자 평가 게임을 위한 유용한 도구입니다.O uso de eye-tracking durante o teste de usabilidade de jogos diminui as potenciais suposições falsas e ajuda os desenvolvedores a entenderem melhor o comportamento…

Playing to Learn: Teaching User Research to Game Design Students

Students of Game Player Experience understand the value of user research first hand by learning good game user experience principles and seeing those principles implemented. 南加利福尼亚大学 (University of Southern California) 是最早设立正式科系,为视频游戏行业培养人才的学校之一,该系自设立以来,已成为美国此类专业的首要提供者之一。University of Southern California(USC:南カリフォルニア大学)はビデオゲーム業界へ進む人材を育てる学部を早期に公式に設置した大学のひとつで、そのプログラムは米国でトップクラスと定評がある。
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