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Author’s Publication Release Form

Give UXPA permission to publish your article by completing this online form. If there is more than one author, each person should complete this form. The list of authors’ rights and a downloadable version are at the bottom of the page, after the form. If you have included work by anyone other than the authors, such as an illustration, cartoon, video or extended quotation, it is your responsibility to get permission and pay any associated fees. If a specific credit is required, that information should be included in your manuscript. If you have written this article as part of your work for a government agency that does not allow copyright (or has a non-transferrable state or crown copyright), please complete enter the name of your agency in the Declaration for Government work field at the end of the form. This certifies that this article is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.

Author’s Rights

The authors of an article retain the following rights:
  • Authors keep all other proprietary rights to the work such as patent.
  • Authors may reuse any portion of the article in future works, including books, lectures and presentations in all media, provided that the UXPA is credited with the original publication.
  • Authors may revise the work. If it is sufficiently different, it is considered a new work, but still should cite the original as published in UXPA publication;
  • Authors may post the final version of the article on their own web site or that of their employer, for  noncommercial access and personal use by others. This version of the article must include this notice: © UXPA, (YEAR). Reprinted from User Experience Magazine, {VOL#, ISS#, (DATE)} URL
  • An employer may distribute copies of the final version within its organization. Posting these works for public access requires explicit permission from UXPA.
As the author, you also agree to protect UXPA from any claims that this article infringes any  copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, or other intellectual property rights. Download the  UXPA Publications Permissions and Release Form (.DOCX file, updated August 2014)
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