Cultivating Collaboration with Structured Negotiation (Book Review)
A review of Structured Negotiation by Lainey Feingold. An approach to resolving disputes based on collaboration rather than conflict.
A review of Structured Negotiation by Lainey Feingold. An approach to resolving disputes based on collaboration rather than conflict.
[greybox] Department of Psychology A man stands just inside a door with a sign that says Department of Psychology. The room is filled with a maze. [/greybox] Find more of Leigh Rubin’s cartoon humor and and even book Leigh as a speaker at your next event at rubescartoons.com/events.html (c) 2016, Leigh
Using tweets to understand what a geographical neighborhood is like shows both the promise and some of the limitations of big data analysis.
User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) International supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience (UX) of products and services.