Human-computer interaction (HCI) provides novel opportunities for user experience professionals to design technologies that promote specific human values such as peace.
The PC is no longer the center of the digital universe. Soon service providers will offer desktop as a service to companies of all sizes. …
An effective tutorial supports user modifications and guides them through errors so that, using your UI, they can achieve their goals.
The triumph of user-generated content has created critical new challenges for UX practitioners, primarily how to deal with the massive amount of content being produced. 很难相信用户生成的内容(或“UGC”)自 2005 年后便成为主流现象。即使按照互联网标准,其迅速扩大和日益增长的文化影响也着实令人感到惊讶。ユーザ作成コンテンツ(UGC)が2005年以降になってはじめて主流になった比較的新しい現象であるということは実に信じがたい。
Studying the history of technology should not trivialize the contributions of our digital era but give new perspective to the affect of new and old on today’s users.
Creating efficient data centers with significantly lower environmental impacts is attainable and highly desirable for economic reasons.
Although slowed with aging, difficulties in suppressing irrelevant information, affecting attention span and memory retention, are found in all age groups.
We’ve known for a long time that brain function involves sending electrical impulses, but it is only in recent years that researchers are finding effective ways to harness that energy…
The user cannot always be the starting point for new products but involving users provides us with a way to find applications for technology-driven innovations.