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13.2 - June 2013

On the Edge: Beyond UX in Western Science Fiction

Asian sci-fi is inspired by classic Western novels as well as native literary traditions. Chinese, Indian, and Japanese approaches reveal creations based on different cultures.亚洲科幻作品受经典西方小说启发,同时其灵感也来自于本土文学传统。中国、印度和日本的创作手法揭示了基于不同文化的创造力。아시아의 SF는 토속적 문학 전통뿐만 아니라 전형적인 서양소설에서도 영감을 받았습니다. 중국, 인도, 일본식 접근은 서로 다른 문화를 바탕으로 한 창작물을 보여줍니다.A ficção científica asiática é inspirada pelos clássicos romances de faroeste bem como por tradições literárias nativas. Abordagens chinesas, indianas e japonesas revelam criações baseadas em diferentes culturas.アジアのSFは、古典的な西洋の小説や自国の文学的伝統の影響を受けている。中国、インド、日本でのアプローチを見ると、異なる文化に基づいて創作されていることが分かる。La ciencia ficción asiática está inspirada en las novelas occidentales clásicas y en las tradiciones literarias nativas. Los enfoques chino, indio y japonés revelan creaciones basadas en diferentes culturas.

Closeup of space toys from the book cover
Book Reviews

Two Museums of Future UX Design (Book Review)

A review of Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy by Frank M. Robinson, Robert Weinberg and Randy Broecker and Future Toys: Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns by Antoni Emchowicz and Paul Nunnelely两本书的书评:
《想象的艺术 ——20世纪的科学幻想、恐怖和幻想》作者:Frank M.Robinson,Frank Robinson、Robert Weinberg 和 Randy Broecker 2002年由收藏家出版社出版
《未来玩具 ——机器人、宇航员、宇宙飞船、激光枪》 作者:Antoni Emchowicz 和 Paul Nunnelely
1999年由新卡文迪什书刊出版社出版Uma análise de dois livros: Art of Imagination [A Arte da Imaginação]: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy [Visões do Século 20 sobre Ficção Científica, Horror e Fantasia]. Future Toys [Brinquedos do Futuro]: Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns [Robôs, Astrounautas, Naves Espaciais, Pistolas de Raios Laser] 書籍レビュー(2冊):『Art of Imagination:20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Introduction』Frank M.Robinson、Frank Robinson、Robert Weinberg、Randy Broecker共著 『Future Toys:Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns』 Antoni Emchowicz、Paul Nunnelely共著
Reseña de dos libros: Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Introducción: Frank M. Robinson, con Frank Robinson, Robert Weinberg y Randy Broecker. Future Toys: Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns por Antoni Emchowicz y Paul Nunnelely

Book Cover
Book Reviews

Letting Go of the Words (Book Review)

A review of Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2nd edition) by Janice (Ginny) Redish.
In this seminal book, Ms. Redish brings together Content Management, clear writing, and usability testing, with helpful examples, case studies, and stories.A review of Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2nd edition) by Janice (Ginny) Redish.Letting Go of the Words에 대한 서평: Janice (Ginny) Redish가 연구한 웹 콘텐츠에 대한 글쓰기(2판). 이 독창적인 책에서 Redish는 유용한 예시, 사례 연구 및 이야기와 함께 콘텐츠 관리, 세련된 글쓰기 및 사용성 테스트를 망라합니다.Uma resenha de Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2ª edição), de Janice (Ginny). Redish Neste livro influente, Janice Redish reúne Gestão de Conteúdo, escrita clara e testes de usabilidade, com exemplos úteis, estudos de caso e histórias. Janice (Ginny) Redish著、『Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (第2版)』(言葉は忘れて:上手くいくウェブコンテンツのライティング)の書評。この画期的な書籍でRedish氏は、コンテントマネジメント、明確な文章、ユーザビリティテスト、役立つ事例、ケーススタディ、ストーリーを交えて、解説している。Una reseña de Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (2da edición) por Janice (Ginny) Redish (Dejar que las palabras se vayan: cómo escribir contenidos que funcionan en la Web). En este trascendental libro, Redish combina la gestión de contenido, una escritura clara y pruebas de usabilidad, con ejemplos, estudios de casos e historias útiles.


Rubes Cartoon: The Pantheon

Cartoons from the wild and twisted world of Leigh Rubin, syndicated cartoonist.来自联合漫画专栏作者Leigh Rubin的奇思妙想的卡通。신디케이트 만화가, Leigh Rubin의 야생의 뒤틀린 세상 만평. Cartoons do mundo selvagem e tortuoso de Leigh Rubin, cartunista sindicalizado.風刺漫画家リー・ルビン(Leigh Rubin)のワイルドでひねくれた世界から生まれたコミックCaricaturas del mundo salvaje y retorcido de Leigh Rubin, dibujante independiente.

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