Usable Voting
Some articles in this issue are available in Acrobat PDF format. If you would like an accessible version, please let us know.
- Automobile Usability (two articles, PDF: 324Kb)
- Driving Design
Creating Simple Interfaces for Complex Cars.
By Carl F. Smith, L. Ricardo Prada, and Mohammad T. Rahman - And Now for Something Completely Different…
Recent Research into Vehicle Interfaces.
By Bernard Champoux
- Driving Design
- It’s All in the Eye of the User (pdf: 188Kb)
How Eye Tracking Can Help Answer Usability Questions.
By Agnieszka Bojko and Abigail Stephenson - A Day of Poll Watching (pdf: 315Kb)
Reno and Sparks, Nevada.
By Ted Selker - On the Ground
Voting Observations During the U.S. Presidential Election
Collected by the UPA Voting and Usability Project - The View from Here
Congressman Rush Holt on Voting and Usability - Book Review: When Geeks & Suits Collide
Review of Leading Geeks By Paul Glen.
Reviewed by Charlie Kreitzberg - Editors’ Note: Sweet Sorrow
By Charlie Kreitzberg, Founding Editor - Onward And Upward
By Aaron Marcus, Editor-In-Chief