Positive Technological Development aims to assist children in bettering their world through improving their technological literacy.
Children are not the most effective Web users and more research is needed to explore children’s mental models related to Internet use.
Research on the effects of children’s long-term computer use is extremely limited; there remain key research questions that need to be answered.
Yves Béhar is the designer behind the One Laptop per Child Personal Computer (OLPC). He is interviewed by User Experience guest editor Cynthia Kamishlian.
Expert designers sensitive to established usability guidelines should be capable of designing software that is suitable for both ADHD and non-ADHD children.
Adults and children work together as part of Kidsteam to design new technologies for children using a low-tech prototyping experience.
Research with adolescent World of Warcraft players indicated design strategies that will help make Massive Multiplayer Online Game more accessible for individuals of all ages.
Indian women in IT make use of social networks in a manner similar to their counterparts elsewhere, however with some differences.
Integrating usability and accessibility, which share a common goal, will enhance both practices and result in better user experiences. 将可用性和可访问性专业人员划分为两个阵营的做法让这两种职业都深受其害,而且完全没有必要。
Usability professionals should make a point of recruiting people with disabilities, including cognitive disabilities, for focus groups and for user test panels.