In designing games for non-gamers, provide more clarity in the tutorial and game mechanics and do not to rely on players’ prior digital media expertise. 视频游戏能够让用户深入体会所设计的体验,并允许用户以其他媒介不可能实现的方式与虚拟世界进行交互。ビデオゲームは、デザインされた体験へとユーザを魅了し、他の媒体では不可能なバーチャルな世界とのインタラクションを可能にする。
Correctly amplifying the microscopic motions of thumbs on a game controller to avoid over-whelming first time players may be achieved through context sensitivity.
Michael Gelb’s How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, drawing from Leonardo’s sketch-books, provides designers and usability practitioners lessons in better thinking and problem solving.
Branding establishes and maintains people’s identification with and “loyalty” to people, companies, products, and services and likely this focus on branding may increase in prevalence.
Everyday mobile phone use in Accra, Ghana, has some unique challenges, but it is similar to mobile phone use in other parts of the world.
除了谈论农产品价格和孕产妇保健信息之外,在撒哈拉以南国家加纳,手机日常用户还常谈论到沙尘、拥有多个 SIM 卡以及音乐和视频共享。農産物価格や母体の健康に関する情報を除けば、サハラ以南の国ガーナにおける日々の携帯電話の利用は、ほこり、マルチSIMカードの所有、そして音楽やビデオの共有がその特徴的なものである。
Daunting as they are to develop, government forms with improved usability save money by reducing the need to contact customers, correct errors, and deal with bad data.
There is a comprehensive set of principles and specifications for usability in internet forms called ELMER.
Awareness of perspective and the implications of mental rotations are needed when making different kinds of maps and way-showing, affecting our sense of direction daily and in emergencies.
China has many possibilities when designing for emerging markets, for example, improving the quality of communication between migrant worker parents and their children.