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Ethnographic Research: Business Value

Knowing why people act, feel, think, experience, and choose the way they do gives us rich cultural insights to inform design or to build meaningful, empathetic user experiences.了解人们为什么会产生各种行为、感受、想法、体验并选择自己的做法,能够从文化角度为我们带来丰富的洞见,从而能够以此为依据设计或构建有意义和能够引起共鸣的用户体验。왜 사람들이 특정한…

Dear Diary: Using Diaries to Study User Experience

A UX diary contains notes on experiences using an application in a natural environment. Learn how to use diaries in your research studies.即使对于有经验的从业人员,研究和评估用户体验也是一项有挑战性的工作。我们不是超级英雄,也没有水晶球,怎样才能找到一种方法,通过考虑所有与用户体验相关的因素,来获得站在用户角度的体验感受?UX를 연구하고 평가하는 것은 경험 있는 전문가를 위해서도…

Creating a DoGo Map: A Step-By-Step Guide

A DoGo map is a lightweight tool that provides an overview of a system’s information architecture, enabling clearer communication between UX and the development team.DoGo 地图是一种轻量级工具,可以提供有关系统信息架构的概览,从而让用户体验团队与开发团队之间能够更清晰地沟通。DoGo 맵이란, 시스템 정보 아키텍처를…

UX Research in the Top 3 Economies in Latin America: What You Should Know

Learn how to effectively conduct UX research in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico including tips for screening, translation, running the study, observation, and interface design.了解如何在巴西、哥伦比亚和墨西哥有效地开展用户体验研究,包括参与者筛选、翻译、现场调查、观察和界面设计方面的技巧。스크리닝, 번역, 현장 조사, 관찰, 인터페이스 디자인을…

Choosing the Right Research Method: Easy as A, B, C

Choosing the right research methods means doing what makes sense given the questions and the constraints. Start with a simple discussion of ABCs:Attitude, Behavior, Comprehension.选择正确的研究方法也就是在特定的问题和限制条件下选择合理的研究方法。首先简单地讨论一下 ABC:态度 (Attitude)、行为 (Behavior)、理解力 (Comprehension)。적절한 연구…

Customer Councils: A Research Tool for Agile Development

Customer Councils help ensure quality user research in an Agile development culture. They provide both strategic insight and practical usability feedback throughout a project.客户委员会有助于确保在敏捷开发文化中实现高质量的用户研究。 客户委员会不但能够提供战略方面的洞察力,还能在整个项目中提供实际的可用性反馈。고객 위원회는 애자일 개발…
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