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Editor’s Note: Behind the Scenes

This ground-breaking issue of UX is interesting for many reasons, not least of which is the deployment of one of our editorial staff members as a “guest” editor. Well, why not? Mindy has significant personal experience in the mobile realm, she’s got contacts with other potential experts, and she’s an excellent editor. We are all proud of the job she’s done with this issue.

Are you, too, a potential guest editor? Do you have a pet subject you’d like to see UX address—something like the cloud, or collaborative work, globalization and specific locales, or trust and ethics in UX design? Please let me know.

Or are you interested in adding a working editor’s notch to your resumé? Our volunteer staff is always interested in growing with new talent. If you’d like to contribute a day or so each calendar quarter to join us, please get in touch. Or seek me out in Las Vegas; I’ll be recruiting at UPA’s annual conference, June 4-8, 2012.

Working with the UX team provides new learning and skills-building experiences; it can also be fun. We’re not an “editorial board” passing judgment on our colleagues’ research-based writing; we advocate anecdote-driven stories and a conversational tone.

Also consider submitting an article proposal, as Mindy once did. (Check the information for authors.) Many of our editors began working with us as authors. Likewise, some of our regular editors also appear as authors, or as “guest” editors.Você tem interesse em incluir uma marca de editor com experiência em seu currículo? Nossa equipe de voluntários está sempre interessada em crescer com novos talentos.

La versión completa de este artículo está sólo disponible en inglés.¿Le interesa agregar a su CV experiencia como editor? Nuestro personal voluntario siempre está interesado en sumar nuevos talentos.

La versión completa de este artículo está sólo disponible en inglés.

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