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Editor’s Note: UX as a Goal

Sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll—what else could a professional magazine want in an issue? And, this issue’s theme: “UX as a Goal.” Wow!

You‘re not sure about the “wow” factor? Are you thinking, “What does that even mean?”

I’ll share some of my thoughts on “UX as a Goal,” and try not to blow my entire 500-word limit. Yes, the word count for this editor’s note was cut in half to make room to announce a new feature: online-only articles.

This is just the beginning of a truly online, interactive, global UX association magazine and new possibilities.. For one, I’d like to organize a robust, timely book review section. Please let me know if you’d like to help.

Anyway, back to UX as a goal. In her article, Andrea Coens says, “User experience is not a discipline but a value, a goal, and an end result.” She’s talking in the context of a shared company mindset, but I started to muse on the statement while editing the issue’s articles. User experience is defined as “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system, or service.” That includes “all the users’ emotions, beliefs, preferences, physical and psychological responses, behaviors, and accomplishments that occur before, during and after use.” (ISO 9241-210)

UX is in the mind of the user and only users know what they experience. That’s the end result of all our research, design, and development. And that result can change with context and time.

Perhaps we can’t design a user experience, but we can design for a desired experience. The UX goal might be to evoke experiential qualities like fun, pleasure, efficiency, trust, challenge, togetherness, or relaxation, to name just a few

So, in my mind we’ve made a loop: how do designers reach the goal of evoking the “intended” feelings? We have articles from UX researchers and designers who collaborate and include users in the development process in unique ways. One article thinks outside the box by analyzing the user experience upstream and downstream in relation to the competition for each of these experiences.

UX as a goal also includes the value of designing for user diversity, like building kiosks that are accessible. We can avoid the “I-methodology” (designing for “me”) and thoughtlessness of all biases and stereotypes. Look for those articles.

What about the sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll? Well, it’s all here with articles that tackle doing gender (sex), robots handling a complete pharmaceutical process (drugs), and how sounds accumulate, overlap, and compete with one another in movies, TV, and videos (rock ’n roll). Please enjoy!以下这些文章从多个角度探讨我们在工作中如何将用户体验作为目标,包括: 生产适用于所有人的产品、找到适合自己的职业发展道路和竞争优势,以及以全新方式启发我们的头脑。이 기사는 사용자 경험(UX)이 모든 사람들에게 도움이 되는 제품 만들기, 우리 직업의 적합성 찾기, 경쟁력 있는 틈새 시장, 우수 인재를 새로운 방식으로 참여시키기 같은 우리의 일에서 목표가 되는 여러 가지 측면을 살펴봅니다.Estes artigos abordam de diversas maneiras a experiência do usuário como uma meta em nosso trabalho: fazer produtos que todos possam usar, encontrar a carreira certa para nós, um nicho competitivo e ocupar nossas mentes de novas maneiras.この号ではUXが私たちの仕事のゴールであるということを、すべての人のために役立つ製品づくり、ふさわしいキャリアを見つけること、競争力のあるニッチ、新たな思考方法への取り組み、といったさまざまな面から検討する。Estos artículos tratan sobre las distintas formas en las que la experiencia de usuario es un objetivo en nuestro trabajo: creando productos que funcionen para todos, encontrando una carrera adecuada, un nicho de mercado competitivo, y empleando nuestro cerebro de nueva manera.

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